When everything’s great and you’re in that state of bliss.
Your results are the best ever and you think 'How much is enough?' Enough is enough...right?
So many of my clients are so in that state of full expansion and bliss, they are doing the work and getting the results and then they think.. 'Isn’t that enough? How much is enough? How much more do I really need? Because everything's really great!'
That’s the moment.
That’s when you should keep doing the work. When you are in that place of expansion, when you are open to and receiving abundance.
Enjoy listening in this week's episode!
It’s a conscious choice, from a place of love.
Are you willing to manifest that dream relationship?
That person that you dream about….are they ever going to show up?
When you look around you and see successful relationships…..and you’re thinking…
”That’s rare….that will never happen to me”....
What if I told you that you have the power to manifest the relationship of your dreams?
What if I told you that the ideal relationship is waiting just out there for you?
Would you believe it?
Would you be willing to take the steps towards calling that relationship in?
And, how would you do that…?
Firstly, you have to show up as the true authentic version of yourself.
The choice starts with YOU. The most attractive thing that you can possibly be is the true version of yourself. Showing up each day in strength and honesty.
Actively being something you are not to try and attract someone is self and relationship destructive. It will never work. You need to be you and the highest version of you.
So how do you get to be the highest version of you?
Check out this episode where Juan Pablo Barahona and I talk about relationships and the simple steps to attraction….
I love you!
And, remember
You absolutely can have it all!
Regan x