In this week's episode, Juan Pablo and I talked about learning versus remembering.
We have these patterns and programs in our society where we have this scarcity mindset of “I need to learn something to be something,” when in fact it is just tapping into ourselves, and listening to our inner voice and opening our inner wisdom - this is where the magic happens. It is all about REMEMBERING.
Tune in to find out more of this very interesting topic!
What does it mean to find the love that you deserve?
Listen to this episode to find out more.
Somehow, the most impactful moments in our lives have a way of coming back around full circle when we most need it.
When you don't pay attention, your fears steer you in the wrong direction.
This is why we need to take a hard look at ourselves.
If you struggle with Self-Love listen to this.
So many people are living in denial, when you ask someone “How are you?” They seldom tell you the truth. They seldom tell you that they might have had a bad day, seldom tell you that they are living a reality that they really, genuinely don't like, and actually don't want to be a part of each and every day, forever and forever……
It’s only from a place of total honesty that you can acknowledge that your life is not what you would really like it to be and take stock, take control and start to upgrade, in each and every aspect of your life.
Listen to my latest podcast with the Modern Alchemist - Loren Trillin of the Loren Trillin Show, and learn how to step into your full potential…and manifest your dream reality.
In this podcast you can:
Learn what radical responsibility looks like…...
How you can expand your capacity to receive…...
The importance of self-belief and self-worth when you up-level; and The ways people can face their emotions
Listen now and enjoy!
And, remember..
You absolutely can have it all!
Regan x
Check out my latest podcast where I chat with Summer Felix-Mulder from Backstage Business around unlocking the steps to exactly what it takes to build a multi 7-figure business.
Hear how I believe that it is possible to build a truly abundant life using powerful mindset techniques and how everyone can have the life of their dreams, doing what they love, every day.
You’ll learn that success is 80% the inner game and 20% what you do on the outside. It’s the inner game that matters. Learn the secret to changing your mindset and unlocking unlimited business opportunities. Plus, understand the mysteries surrounding social media and see how it can be one of your useful tools in a multi-level toolbox.
Hear how to do the groundwork to establish a full spectrum of products and services, how to learn to listen to and not suppress fear and doubt, But to use it as a force….and also how to bounce back from failure. Also, one simple exercise anyone can do when feeling fear and self-doubt.
And, remember..
You absolutely can have it all!
And give back
Regan x
I recently caught up, through a series of powerful, divine synchronicities, with Victoria in Mykonos, Greece. We had a soulful conversation about having it all, and the spontaneous interactions that open pathways and portals for personal, financial and spiritual growth.
My recent journey included amazing insights, a powerful activation and a spiritual awakening that has been unbelievably incredible. And, this sudden, unexpected, unplanned journey to Greece, specifically Mykonos and Delios, has been around listening to my inner goddess, following my heart, soul and ... divine synchronicity.
In this podcast, we chat about when you get really busy and you are fully invested in your physical reality and your soul suddenly says “Go! Get to this place”….or “Do this, you know that you want to…” or “reach out to this person…” or ‘Gee I’ve always wanted to be this...or do this course..” And then, your unconscious mind clicks in…it gives you a million reasons why you CAN’T do what your soul is telling you to do.
You can’t do that!
You can’t just get up and leave.
Think of your obligations?
How will you get those sorted?
The skill is to control your mind, shake off the limiting beliefs and don't focus on the tree….focus on the forest. Ask this my soul's desire? Is this a part of living into my purpose? Is this my truth and is this what I really want? Is this the real and authentic me? By going here, doing this, am I living into my soul’s purpose? Are you connecting with your vision?
So, how do you go from ‘This is not what I want’ ‘This is what I truly want’...?
Hear how to tune in, shake off self-limiting, negative beliefs about yourself, really listen to your soul and live into your true purpose.
Listen now!
And remember,
You absolutely can have it all..
And give back.
Regan x
Listen to my latest podcast as I discuss with Shelly Rogers from Maxum Corporation about inspiring greatness, making a big impact and leaving a positive, powerful legacy. Building the power of an abundant mindset and how to unpack greatness, the three steps to construct an online business and how to impact your life. Accelerating and monetising. Plus! Download my app, get a FREE manifestation course and also get the link to listen to my FREE webinar on how to generate a million dollars in 12 month or less! Find out also, what advice Lisa Nichols gave to me on what I actually wasn't seeing on my journey…..
It is possible to live a truly abundant life and absolutely have it all. To unlock your greatness and build a mutli -7 figure business. Listen to hear the passage of how I built a multi 7-figure business….and my steps to really knowing what my soul actually wants.
Hear how to stop looking outside of your life and instead look inside at what you really desire and how you can live into a life of abundance and also give back and create a legacy.
Ask yourself…...What are you doing to condition yourself to succeed? Are you looking outside of yourself for killer strategies...that never show up or work? Or, are you focussing on internal success?
What’s your big vision? Have you given yourself permission to dream? Are you clearing your negative resistance, your fears and your self-limiting doubts? Are you tapping into your vision to turn it into your reality? Reflecting on your vision to reality shift? Are you focussed on gratitude? Or hung up on negative limiters?
Plus, more tips and tricks to optimising a successful online business, to actually get paid….to give you the freedom in your life and the abundance that you truly desire.
Listen now!
And remember,
You absolutely can have it all
And give back.
Regan x
Check in to hear Optimal Living Daily host Justin Malik reading an excerpt from our newly-published, runaway success book, The Abundance Codes.
Justin reads A Step-By-Step Process to Reconnect with Your Life’s Purpose. And, the importance of living within your purpose.
Why is this even important? You were born with significant, unique and valuable talents and it is integral to your life’s harmony and your personal satisfaction that you live into your full potential.
The Abundance Codes will assist you to discover the path that you were always meant to follow. Reconnect to the infinite possibilities of your life’s purpose and acknowledge the limiting factors that hold you back.
Each chapter of The Abundance Codes details what the limiting or negative belief is, in each and every aspect or your life. What the internal activator is and a step-by-step guide to the physical activator and how to rewire and accelerate your mind towards physically and mentally activating this supreme state of consciousness.
Enjoy listening!
And remember,
You absolutely can have it all
Regan x
A super buzz to be featured talking with Adil Amarsi, engaging around the passion and the vision that drives my financial and personal success. We chat about abundance and calling in the very best version of yourself to channel what you really want in life, the Social Media Enterprise, building a soul tribe, how you identify your own set of cheerleaders, the journaling process, rewiring your belief system, the ability to dream and how I built my multi-seven figure enterprise - Regan Hillyer International.
In my life, career and business as an entrepreneur, thought leader, Forbes contributor, keynote speaker and success coach, I truly believe, and have seen the evidence, that every human being has the ability to unlock their greatness and achieve higher levels of financial and personal abundance.
Our discussion features building people’s lifestyles, with tips and tricks for success, plus an insight into some aspects of my personal life and background, including reconnection, vision and aligned action.
Listen now!
And remember,
You absolutely can have it all..
And give back!
Super stoked to be featured in Wisdom From North with Jannecke Oinaes on manifesting a truly abundant life.
As you are all aware, I’m a self-confessed addict for helping people unlock their true potential and live the life of their desires.
And, as Founder of Regan Hillyer International, a keynote speaker, success coach, entrepreneur, Forbes contributor and thought leader, I have regular conversations with other inspired entrepreneurs around achieving your true potential, manifesting the life of your dreams and how to build a multiple six and seven figure business.
Jannecke and I chat about successful business through self knowledge, powerful manifestation tools and the vibrations that alter the frequencies of your field. Becoming an energetic match for what you want to call in and learning to raise your authentic frequency to manifest your ideal reality and how to shift long-held beliefs, trauma and blocks.
Also included is one of my visualisation exercises around manifestation.
Enjoy :)
Join me as I chat with Cam Roberts, mentor, motivator and direct marketing expert on how to grow your business and create the time, the money and the freedom that you desire.
Learn how to achieve your goals quickly and build your business using powerful mindset techniques.
Discover my journey and learn about the strategies and tactics that I employ to uncover human potential and assist entrepreneurs to unlock their unique possibilities. I cover off with Cam how I assist experts and soul shifters with uncovering their true message and how to build a robust brand using powerful, inner game business strategies.
You can listen and learn about these strategies, because everything that you want to achieve starts from within. We talk about manifestation and mindset practice and how it looks at intentions, alignment and purpose and how this affects business goals and life desires. What are the resistances that are holding you back? How aligned are you to your truth? Your message? And how does this affect your potential business growth?
Plus, we talk about how to live an amazing lifestyle, to tune into the next level and not get trapped with complacency or procrastination and how to rewire yourself to succeed.
Check it out!
And, remember
You absolutely can have it all.
Hi Regan here, founder of Regan Hillyer International and a self-confessed addict for helping people unlock their true potential and live the life of their desires.
Join me this week as I talk with Don Hutcheson from Discover Your Talents and Do What You Love…and How to Build a Career of Success, Satisfaction and Freedom.
Follow me as I discuss my life choices and turning points, memorable people and forming relationships…We chat about recognising and using your God-given talents..helping people and how I live and work to disrupt people's version of “normal” to live an extraordinary life and shift your identity into a 7-figure lifestyle through entrepreneurism.
I talk about my most powerful lessons learned and the strategies that make up the pieces and steps to success. How to get out of being ‘stuck’ in your work and how to get freedom from the matrix.
Recognising your power, the answers are already inside you and how to be hyper-aware of your natural state and what is in your environment…. just waiting for you to show up and claim it.
I discuss with Don my vision moving forward….. to tune in to more of the same….just on a bigger scale...and staying super aligned with the real heartbeat that is Regan Hillyer International.
I live to see potential in people…...and love to show clients how to recognise and live into 100% of their talent.
Join me as I talk with Tonya from Femme and Fierce as we chat about dreaming big and going after what you want.
Hear about living to disrupt people's version of “normal” and how to shift your identity into a 7 figure lifestyle through entrepreneurism.
We discuss how to unleash your millionaire mindset and how I created my version of reality, where I am fully committed to waking up humanity so that they can live life on their own terms.
You can tune into my tips and tricks around shifting your identity in to a 7-figure lifestyle, where you can fully decide to use your powerful mind energy….. Different from what you choose to be your next level….and how to commit to aligned action and open up to what’s possible.
Find out how you allow these shifts to be “easy” and how you can surrender into an uncomfortable place, where you need to be to upscale, and slip into it with ease, grace and flow.
Scale your business, tune into the vibration and say “yes” to aligned action. Hear how the internal work is a springboard to the external work. Focus on sales versus wealth creation and the difference between the two….and how to do less and get more...focus on a new internal blueprint.
Listen in and know that I believe that you absolutely can have it all...It is a reality, on your own terms. Your dream is a reality and it is here now!
Unleash the power of your mind. Join multi-millionaire entrepreneur, certified Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics specialist, Forbes contributor, keynote speaker and successful strategist, Regan Hillyer as she talks with Victoria Gallagher from the Power of Your Mind about her passion to help people achieve a truly abundant life.
Regan is committed to this passion and has trained thousands of people to build multi-seven figure personal brands and businesses, location-free, with robust business strategies and mindset techniques. Regan believes that each and every person on the planet is capable of unlocking the power within themselves and manifesting the complete life that they desire.
In this podcast, Regan discusses the framework around powerful abundance mindset, repetition of self-limiting behaviours, daily routines for unlocking abundance and the role of vanquishing self-doubt to move towards success.
Find out about how simple it is to shift ingrained beliefs and create results quickly, how to show up as the best version of yourself and how to actively choose to be successful with the millionaire mindset. How to cease the grind of swapping time for money and how to show up and get paid for being you!
Learn about Regan’s new publication, co-written with Juan Pa Barahona ‘The Abundance Codes’ and how to active more in your life. More abundance, a higher vision, finer relationships, better health and how to re-wire your unconscious mind.
The role of journaling, visualisation, clarity and various integrated mindset techniques to unlock all of the 52 Abundance codes.
Follow Regan and find out how to show up as the best version of you, unlocking your real identity and moving forward into your new, exciting desired future.
Enjoy listening!
And remember,
You Absolutely Can have it All!
The Abundance Codes Book:
Listen as Regan Hillyer, self-made millionaire, serial entrepreneur, success coach, certified Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics specialist, Forbes contributor, keynote speaker and successful strategist, discusses her millionaire mindset and how she has guided and taught thousands of successful business owners to build powerful brands and seven-figure and beyond businesses.
Focussing on self-doubt and how to pull in your superpowers for whole life success with Super Power Experts’ Kristin Maxwell, Regan delves into the world of conquering self-doubt through mindset techniques and turning the page of her life to connect with her higher self and pull that powerful identity into her physical reality.
Regan discusses the importance of your ‘millionaire mindset’, that higher version of yourself and your intentions and how to train your mind with specific practices and positive actions, such as journaling techniques, to call in your dream lifestyle. And, getting really clear on what it is you exactly want to use as springboards into the physical world.
Learn about Regan’s new publication, co-written with Juan Pa Barahona ‘The Abundance Codes’ and how to activate more in your life. More abundance, a higher vision, finer relationships, better health and how to rewire your unconscious mind and your energetic field.
The role of journaling, visualisation, clarity and various integrated mindset techniques to unlock all of the 52 Abundance codes.
Follow Regan and find out how to show up as the best version of you, unlocking your real identity and moving forward into your new, exciting desired future.
What is your true purpose? How do you actually arrive at living a truly abundant lifestyle using powerful mindset tools and cutting-edge business strategies?
Join self-made multimillionaire, serial entrepreneur and thought leader Regan Hillyer as she answers questions from Kole Hansen Whitty for Warrior Women with a Purpose, around living this abundant lifestyle, shrugging off self-limiting behaviours and choosing to unlock your personal greatness.
Regan is committed to her passion of helping others to live into their true potential and has trained thousands of successful people, helping them to build multiple seven figure and beyond, personal brands and businesses, in location free environments.
A certified Master of NLP, Master of Hypnosis, Time Dynamics specialist, Forbes contributor, keynote speaker and successful strategist, in this podcast Regan discusses the framework around abundance mindset, self-limiting behaviours, daily routines for unlocking abundance and the role of Ayauasca and plant medicine.
Learn about Regan’s new publication, co-written with Juan Pa Barahona ‘The Abundance Codes’ and how to active more in your life. More abundance, a higher vision, finer relationships, better health and how to re-wire your unconscious mind.
The role of journaling, visualisation, clarity and various integrated mindset techniques to unlock all of the 52 Abundance codes.
Follow Regan and find out how to show up as the best version of you, unlocking your real identity and moving forward into your new, exciting desired future!!!
In this episode, I was interviewed by Cameron Roberts and we talked about a lot of things including how to uncover your true message, how to live an amazing lifestyle, what is manifestation and how does it work, how to tune into the next level and not get trapped with complacency or procrastination, how to rewrite your self to succeed and so much more!
Have fun listening!
And remember,
You Absolutely Can Have It All!!
In this episode, we have discussed why the idea of "ALIGNMENT" is much easier than you are making it and how to get your message and brand to match.
It also explains what being an entrepreneur is all about.
We have discussed how BEING an entrepreneur can help you make a massive impact.
Well, the most important thing is to get in alignment with your goals.
If you are not in alignment with your goals than you are not going to be SUCCESSFUL, I shouldn’t say you will not be successful but you will not get what you REALLY deserve.
There is an OVERFLOW of potential in people, the only thing is they really need to CLICK it and make it in alignment with the goals.
Finding the blocks you are FACING and conditioning your mindset can help you with that.
REMEMBER! Getting crystal crystal crystal clear on your goal is VERY important to have a global impact.