
The Regan Hillyer Show

This is the Regan Hillyer Show with Regan Hillyer - a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, mindset coach, and global speaker that helps anyone breakthrough to new levels of success in their personal and professional life. The episodes will showcase Regan speaking on her own experiences as well as with leaders, artist and creators who are changing the business landscape and living a life of total freedom and abundance.
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The Regan Hillyer Show











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Now displaying: 2018
Dec 26, 2018

We are so excited!

This has been a one and a half year mission,

That is now in the physical reality!

Want more abundance in all aspects of your life?

Doing the work but what you really desire is not showing up in your life?


Juan Pablo Barahona and I are beyond excited to announce,

After sooo much intentional work, energetic upgrades and downloading….

The Abundance Codes is a reality!!

Fifty-Two Codes to Unlock Abundance in Every Area of Your Life

The Abundance Codes is not a sweet, simple little ‘How to’ guide…

You could call it a bible,

Or an encyclopedia,

Or something that you will use for the rest of your life…

A hard-back, full colour, collector’s edition and companion,

That lets you dive deep,

Into ABUNDANCE in every area of your life.

It’s a practical journey that unlocks 52 real, actual potent codes,

And 9 keys, families of the 52 codes, that open up your field for powerful manifestation.

The Abundance Codes show you the limiters,

These are global limiters, not just yours,

They are imprinted on humanity.

The unconscious patterns, that are affecting your life.

These limiters are preventing you from having total abundance in your life.

Then, through new sacred geometry you get the activator.

These internal activators allow the release of the limiters

Creating the pathway for the Abundance Codes to do their work.

The Abundance Codes are sharp and precise,

Allowing you to rewire and set in motion the pathways,

In full alignment.

For more abundance in your life.

The Abundance Codes

Is an integrated,


Code-focussed companion,

That will show you,

Precise explanations for clear and perfect alignment,

Processes that will help you re-wire,

For your success and total abundance.

Check out this week's episode to learn more! 

And remember...

You Absolutely Can Have It All! 

Regan x

Dec 18, 2018

This week's episode is from Day 3 of our Be Your Brand Academy in Bali. It's all about acceleration from digging deep into scaling, monetizing your message, building a powerful soul mate team, speaking, running online trainings, coaching online and, scaling product and services.

It’s how the success coaches feel to be here at this time. How massive and epic this has been for them. And how they find this training and session fruitful. This has helped them share how easy things have become for them. I have shared how life changing this event is and why you need to be part of it. There is so much learning in it - activation, a lot of energy, elevating our manifestations and much more…

If you want to accelerate your results, have a success mindset, monetize your message as a success coach, build a powerful soul mate team and make a massive impact in this world, this is for you!

If you want to join us, just send me through a message on facebook, I will get all the details to you.

And, REMEMBER, You Absolutely Can Have It All!!

Dec 10, 2018

You’re powerful, so much powerful than you are giving yourself credit for RIGHT NOW!!!

When you truly tap into that POWER seriously magical things happen!

First thing first... Be grateful for whatever you have received so far. Whatever is your goal, you REALLY have to step into identity of already having received.

Well, if your goal is money, you must must MANIFEST earning the desire level of money. This is with money. This is with clients. And even… This is with relationships.

Manifest this on DAILY BASIS, hourly basis and even half hourly basis. Learn to create opportunities, because there is no SECRET formula.

Understand to MANIFEST on deep level and step into that.

Cool things happen when you go through it.

If you are a coach, MANIFEST a high end client, and tap into that energy and do all the MINDSET work.

Act as if it has already received and as if already has happened. If you want to be widely successful, just MANIFEST it.

Manifesting even happens faster only if you accelerate the principals and practice them each day.

You know you are SUCCESSFUL! You know you are AT THE TOP!

You know you want to go TOP, TOP!

You know you are COMMITTED!

You are READY! You are ready to do whatever it takes because you are that committed to your growth and success.

Just, MANIFEST IT and get whatever you desire to get into your life, MONEY, WEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS…

Dec 3, 2018

In this episode, I will take you through the steps to massively up level and attract greater heights of abundance in your life.

How to focus on impacting on a global scale for contribution.

Three simple steps to understand how the 1% attract and play the BIGGER game for growth and expansion.

I will be discussing, how you can impact lives at a GLOBAL LEVEL and have massive RESULTS

In order to do that,

You have to…

Join the forces to create impact in this world,


In order to RECEIVE MORE, you have to GIVE MORE

So start giving more right away

It’s not about making money,


It’s about making a MASSIVE impact

It really feels good when you CONTRIBUTE to something


Grow and expand

Start contributing to something you care about


Whatever you are going to give, that is going to flow back to you in


The bigger you PUSH your impact to be,

The more you EXPAND your own mindset


The more people you are going to IMPACT


Start impacting lives by giving MORE!

Nov 25, 2018

Hear my journey building a unique, successful personal brand and understand the full system on how YOU can develop, launch and accelerate your own personal brand! Live keynote at the JT Foxx Family Reunion. 

I also challenge your vision of being normal and I strongly BELIEVE that you have a message that the world needs to hear. 

Amazing things can happen if you want to monetize your brand. I am here to shake up your reality and help you to BE YOUR BRAND. 

Life is awesome if you want to enjoy the freedom which it offers. I have also shared my story right from New Zealand where I was raised and how I am enjoy location free business. 

You deserve more than what you are receiving now.  Unlimited cash will flow into your life if you put massive efforts to be YOUR BRAND. 

WELL, having connected to the right people is one of the MOST important things. As long as you are connected to the right people, and the right coaches than you can do amazing things. 

If you are not sure whether you have a unique brand and if you think you are not branded than you need to work to launch your personal brand. Start taking massive actions and you can build your incredible brand. 

You can get BIG results and you can get a SEVEN FIGURES BUSINESS from only BEING YOU. 

Things which you really need to do to BRAND YOURSELF are:

• Start with the end in mind

• Get clear on your message

• Unlock your unique story

• Position yourself as an authority

• Work at solving your target market’s biggest problems

• Build your tribe

• Establish your 12 month plan

• Create high converting professional website

• Make sure your social media presence

• Get seen online

• Build your list

• Show up DAILY


Nov 18, 2018

First before anything else, any courses, any study, you have to work on your mindset.

When I first started to build a multiple 7-figure business,
I was all into strategy - wealth creation, seminars, events, coaching but not seeing the results,
That's when I realised that I had to do the inner work.

I focused on me.
I worked and upskilled myself.
I was all about mindset and energy and then,
That's when it all started to shift.

People started watching me,
They noticed that things in my life were starting to gel,
To work and to change,
So they asked:

"What are you doing that has made this change in your life?"

So I told them -
I started sharing what I was doing, then people that I had helped,
Came back and shared that the things that I had helped them with,
Had completely changed their lives

That was the AH HA! moment.
That moment when I truly felt my sense of purpose and the POWER and self-affirmation that I felt from that self-knowledge was incredible.

I never set out to be a life coach it happened by default.
I think IT found me,
Because I was ready,
Open and I had done the mindset work.

Now, the biggest issues around all of this in the beginning,
The thing that slowed me down,
Was that I was so unaware of the internal game.
I was so busy looking outwards for the answers.

I was fixated on how to's - how to invest in property,
How to build a business strategically,
I was looking so far outside of myself.

Then I was told by my mentor,
"Regan, you've got this all backwards...
80% of success is the INTERNAL game,
20% is what you do on the outside."

When I GOT that and started focussing on the 80% and started really working on the inner strategy,
On the internal work,
That's when it ALL came together.

The results came so quickly,
I had accelerated them.

It's about daily routines,
Tuning into what you really need each day,
And going off your intuition and feelings to really set up your day.

You need a tool kit specifically set to you.

Then there's FEAR,
Even when you are really successful,
Beyond what you had ever hoped for,
The fear is still there,
So you have to learn how to dance with it if you ignore the fears or try and numb or push them away…
You will receive what you are fearful of.

The game is to look the fear in the eye and understand why the fear is there.
Fear shows up in our unconscious mind to keep us safe.
You need to acknowledge the fear,
Keep moving forward,
But don't allow it to paralyse or distract you.
Keep control.
Deal with it now.

What if you find yourself checking all the boxes,
Doing all the stuff,
And it's not working?

What then?

Check your mindset.
It's organic, it's intuitive.
The most successful people follow their intuition.
They devise their tool boxes for their personal growth and development,
Whilst keeping an ear on what is coming up that is good for them.

Listen to the pulls and nudges….

What is that?
I'm curious about this...
Use that curiosity to tune in.

In my journey,
When I didn't listen to the pulls and nudges,
And constantly sought answers outside of myself,
That's when things went slow or didn't go well.

Be aware…
Listen internally and realise that you have insight.

It's a BIG lesson,
Don't look left,
Don't look right,
Don't be distracted.

In terms of products and services,
First check your value,
Is there a need?

What feels amazing about the marketing?
Are live events your thing?
Or on-line?
Tune in what works best for you?
Check your alignment.
It's about listening to what's within.

Ask yourself,
Does this feel out of alignment,
Or are you listening to the fear?
What's the main thing?

What's the message?
Keep the main vision clear and know what you want and know where you want to go how are you being energetically every day?

Be really clear on what you want.
But be aware that the BIG VISION is fluid and it can change it's not set in concrete and as you grow,
It will too.

Grow, morph and change - for your needs.

The main message is that you absolutely can have it all!
You can have it on your terms;
Whatever you desire can, in total reality, be yours.

Whatever your BIG VISION is…
Your products, services or financial growth of an existing business….
It can be yours.

Ask yourself, what do I want?
How do I want it to work?

Then do the internal work to align with that…
Trusting that anything that you then do on the outside will align with that and take you there.

The only thing stopping it being a reality is YOU.

And remember,
You absolutely can have it all!

Regan x

Nov 4, 2018

In this episode, JuanPa and I talked about creating your reality, manifesting the right partner of your dreams, and how the two of us met!

Enjoy listening! 

Oct 30, 2018

In this episode, Regan talks about manifestation.

She discussed that in manifesting things in your life, you should start with intention.

And that the first step really is getting people clear that just having a really deep sense of radical responsibility you know knowing that everything that is showing up or not showing up in their life they are attracting or they're pushing away from.

This and more of this episode of The Regan Hillyer Show. 


Oct 20, 2018

When I was 23, I closed the doors of my first million dollar company.
My loved ones, started asking if I was “insane?”
Everything looked magical in the exterior.
Everything was manufactured close to perfection.
I planned, executed and crushed it.

Internally, my soul was malnourished.
Internally, my desire started feeling unwanted.
Internally, my intuition felt unworthy of my attention.

Until my INTUITION said, “I am enough.”
I’m grateful for my intuition who knows it’s worth.
I began to listen to the discomfort happening within.
I was in shock of how long I had gone without listening.
I was disconnected with myself.

I was solely focused on the exterior.
I still created a lot of success but I wasn’t connected with who I am.
I was withholding myself from tapping into my highest vibration.
I was creating from a space of manufacturing from head to exterior,
Rather than tuning in, trusting my intuition and letting it flow through me.

I started to listen again.
I did my soul work.
Abundance started flowing like rapid waterfalls crashing down;
Roaring waterfalls made of synchronicity, bliss and gratitude.
Falling down with passion to kiss my face for an eternity.

I choose to play from here.
Right here, tuned into my intuition.
Co-creating a fully-self expressed life with freedom and ease.

I used to focus externally.
I manufactured too long.
I was swimming in stress.
I was drenched in unworthiness.
I raced to do more to look good.

Now, I choose to play with trust flow.
I dance with ease and grace.
I’m traveling within with synchronicity.
I savor this state of intuition.
I even call in results.
I do less.

And I receive, achieve and create more.

I AM worthy of manifesting anything that I desire in any area of my life

You are too.

While you listen to this podcast,
Ask yourself, “How do I eliminate what doesn't serve me?”

Juan Pa and I will be right here to hold you.

I love you! 

And Remember, You Absolutely Can Have It All! 


Regan x

Oct 14, 2018

In this episode, my good friend AJ Mihrzad interviewed me and I shared how I made over 1 MILLION DOLLARS in 30 days!

We also talked about Psychedelics, Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca and a lot more!

Don't miss this episode! 

Oct 8, 2018

This is a free training for all the artists, leaders, entrepreneurs, visionaries.. for all those who know that they have a message that they are born to share in this world. 

This is for you if you are committed to have an impact in the planet and doing this with total freedom. 

I am breaking this down on how I have done this and that you could do this too. 


Oct 1, 2018

This episode comes to you from beautiful Barcelona, where I was teaching workshops there as part of Mindvalley U - A global network for higher eduction of the future! Super grateful to the entire Mindvalley team and especially Vishen Lakhiani for leading this incredible vision.  My workshop in this episode is all about “Unleashing Into Abundance” - You’ll learn so much about this, just in this short episode!

Sep 23, 2018


Do you feel like NOT doing anything

And feel like some BLOCKS AND RESISTANCE that are really keeping you behind

And… All you want is not doing too MUCH work…

You FEEL like you are tired and you need A BREAK

You want to watch A MOVIE You feel like you should take OFF

Even then, you never feel satisfied and you feel exhausted you don’t feel good AT ALL!

But remember! You can choose to feel a little bit differently

You need to start to experience change and take some really important actions The BIGGEST THING is now getting into action

And start doing that remember that it’s okay to acknowledge that you are not feeling OK. Acknowledge that you are a human and you are not always going to be perfect, not always going to feel amazing.

You are neither a superwoman nor superman. Take some actions so that you can shift everything. Think about what else you can do to FEEL better!

Remember! You absolutely can have it ALL, by just thinking a little bit differently at times when you feel like not doing anything.

Regan x

Sep 15, 2018

In this episode, Regan has opened up a conversation and talked about frequency because she believes that we're living in a world where the biggest currency that we have to play with is the FREQUENCY and the interesting thing people are looking to create results in their life and they're looking to create success, they're looking to have more time, more money and beautiful relationships, yet they're playing with the wrong currencies. 

Tune in and find out more in this episode! 



Aug 31, 2018

Join Marci Lock and I as we talk about how SIMPLE and EASY MANIFESTATION really is and how hard and complicated we make it and the human brain wants to make it. And  many goodies and tips that we are going to teach on maximizing manifestation that is available to us in so many ways! 


Aug 24, 2018

In this episode, I have discussed how you can actually TRUST in the process and you can shift your life and business to a NEW LEVEL.

People literally work hard; they work hard day and night while missing out the important thing they need to do. They work really really hard without doing the internal work and without manifesting the real actual result, which will obviously take you to NOWHERE.

You cannot fabricate the things, so STOP this all because you cannot control over the things.

Stop trying to control the process, JUST STOP IT.

Stop believing that everything just happens because it’s ALREADY planned out.

You just need to choose, and then manifest and it’s DONE.

REMEMBER! You can absolutely have it ALL!


Aug 17, 2018

In this podcast, I share truth and reality of life.

I had this commitment that whatever I learn, I share with you guys in a relevant way, so you can learn and create a freedom business and life which you DESIRE!

In order to create your REALITY you need to have a success mindset. Maybe you are here as a messenger to flow that message through you.

If you guys know that you are committed to your truth, your reality shifts to the edge and have a success mindset and be able to work from anywhere.

Aug 10, 2018

Join AJ Mihrzad and I as we talked about celebration, why celebrating even the small wins is super critical. How to have a vision and emulating that in the moment!


Aug 4, 2018

You need to be clear on what you desire. You need to be clear on who you really want to BE. And, what kind of results you want to have in life. You can manifest anything you desire. You can choose to manifest externally and internally. WHEN you try and manipulate the world around you in order to manufacture things in the world you can receive what you want BUT, when you play the internal game it's more energetic. You do not play physically but slightly different... MORE POWERFUL. It's more magical and you can get faster results.

In order to do that, you need to be crystal clear about manifestation. You need to have a success mindset. You need be crystal clear about what you want to be and what will be the higher version of you. You can ask me any questions around manifestation. How I manifest specific things. How I play the game of vibration energy and the game of magic. And, if you get committed not to play a more physical game, If you get committed to do more without being stressed out and being super busy you just need to send me a message on facebook @reganhillyer or email me at!

And, REMEMBER! You Absolutely Can Have It ALL!

Jul 13, 2018

This episode is a LIVE Q&A with Regan.

Always remember that you need to start before you are ready!

If you have everything perfect, everything was done, and then if you say I am ready to go, then you are starting too late.

Here is why!

I truly believe that business is created from within once you truly know business is created from within, and you listen to your intuition -  You get ideas. You honestly get this stuff that flows to you. It's up to you to act FAST.

It REALLY is! You can jump in and start a pre-launch process before you could consult business development coach,

You need to work on your success mindset. The fact is, you really need to do the internal work to align with your dream once you did that, you will be going like... Okay COOL! If that is done, what would you be doing right now to accelerate your results and have it happen faster? To take your life to the next level, you really need to get clear on your big picture outcome. Get clear on how does your big picture look like and How do you really measure that.

Just LOCK that in & find what is stopping you to move to the NEXT LEVEL. Because Everything is created within & it shows up externally. If it's not showing up externally there is a problem there is some block or limit going on which is stopping you to get what you desire. Starting getting freaking real with that and be honest with the blocks and limits, and literally put them on the table and then release them!

So it's all about your mindset. Start working on your success mindset and realize that business is ALWAYS created within.